Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Eleanor Mika

Hurra! Hurra! Mika ist da!

Eleanor Mika was born at home on Sunday morning at 5:32am. She's 19.7" (50cm) long when stretched out from her regular ball shape and weighed in 7lbs 6oz (3350 gram).

She was welcomed by Mama, Papa, Oma, Gramma, Maria, Midwife Alexa and soon after showered with love and affection by proud big sister Joon who slept through the three short hours of labor and birth.

Everyone is doing beautifully, we're fully enjoying our "Babymoon" at home surrounded by family. Mika is very healthy, a great nurser and very content, Joon is over the moon with joy over Baby "Me-Nah" and adjusting to her new role as big sister incredibly well.

We'll be back with more pictures and details soon. Much love to everyone!

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