Tuesday, October 28, 2008


i got my machine. it sounds like music. seriously. that little razz... almost as beautiful of a sound as joon laughing. almost.

the lady i got it from was so sweet, she almost cried when dave and my brother carried it out the door. she asked me to call her and let her know how things are going and i promised i'd send her an email with a picture of work done on her machine. it used to be her mother's and she said it was time to let go but it felt like a family member leaving. sigh.

anyways, i tidied up and sorta half cleaned my sewing area yesterday so that my new friend would feel welcomed into her new home. for now she lives right by the window which is where i usually have my ironing board set up. once i get a proper extension cord and a really good lamp i'll probably move her into the corner and rearrange things a bit. for now, i need to give my new old pfaff a really good cleaning and work with the settings a bit and study the manual really well.
this will take up all of my crafting time for the next couple of days which kills me because i have a million and one projects already started or at least listed to start on. why oh why don't creative people not an extra ten hours in every day??

well, here are the pics...

original receipt from '56. how cool is that? i also have the bill and exact description of a cleaning and adjusting job done in the late 90's. the machine has hardly been used after that last check-up.

lots of bobbins, foot thingies and other little original parts.

1 comment:

~JEN~ said...

oh, karo- its beautiful!
